Now you can use that Scrip to take a chance on her random selection of Legendary gear, depending on how many scrips you’re willing to spend. You take these scrips and go inside and see Murmrgh. The purpose of this machine is for you to take any and all Legendary pieces of gear that you don’t want, and convert them into Scrip. On your way in, or if you stopped by any train station prior, you probably passed by a rather complicated looking vending machine. Here you will find Purveyor Murmrgh (I call her Mimi). South of the Berkley ruins you will find one of the many train stations that act as resupply locations. Hitch up your boots, we’re going to Berkley. Say at the end of the day, you farm a few locations and came up with some Legendary pieces that don’t compliment your playstyle, or are just too low level to be good.

But I did this and got nothing I wanted! What now? If the stars are right you will also find them in boss level loot chests. They can also be received as rewards for quests and events completed in the world, again at random, save for the unique SMG, the Perfect Storm, which is always received for completing the quest at the Water Park. Some days you encounter one per area you hit, other days you won’t see a single one your entire play session. It’s like whenever the game is feeling it. These enemies can be found in Nukezones, during certain random open-world events, and sometimes just out in the wild mixed in with normal enemies. I am told that you want the three-star enemies in particular as they have the potential to drop better loot. Legendary effects come off drops from a Legendary enemy, which themselves have a star ranking. Unfortunately Legendary’s are not a guarantee, even less a guarantee the effect you’re looking for is going to be on a weapon or armor piece you were wanting it on. I wish I could tell you there was a specific location to go to or a very particular enemy to kill to get ahold of some of the better effects in the game.

The trick, however.Is getting the ones you want. They are the literal leg on the pile you need to face some of the later challenges and walk away with at least some of your stim pack supply and ammo unspent. In fact, they are often what people center their builds around. They are what will set you apart from the other Level 50 players out there aside from your build. When you talk about Endgame in Fallout 76, the topic of Legendaries will always come up.